Module 8: Discharge considerations


Here we discuss treatment and discharge considerations. These are included in your manual. NOTE: the treatment for pregnancy and HIV prophylaxis has changed from the video but manual is correct.

The RCMP kit documentation contains a checklist to document evidence collected and for the health professional and police to sign off when transferring evidence for chain of custody:  Evidence transfer form

The manual also contains a 4 page checklist of procedures and who can do them but a link is here for your convenience :  Team Checklist

As a bonus, there is also a 45 minute video to use as a refresher of all the steps together. It can be used for next year’s refresher- summarizes trauma informed care, exam and evidence collection.  Video link = 



Catherine Carter-Snell

Catherine Carter-Snell is an experienced educator, researcher and registered nurse. Her background includes many years of trauma nursing in Emergency, ICU and flight nursing, as well as work with sexual assault/domestic violence examinations and training. She holds a PhD in nursing and international certification as a sexual assault nurse examiner. Her research is focused on physical and psychological effects of interpersonal violence, especially injuries and improving health care services for victims. She has also developed many educational programs for professionals on dating violence and sexual assault issues including a certificate program in forensic studies for professionals.